Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Clues & Notes 055 - Language machine ....... the atomic clay processor underground (CPU) --> the Clay Prize of Un-conscious math & geology people



Clues & Notes & newspaper secret code 055 -  


 Language machine ....... the atomic

 clay processor underground (CPU --> for the  inner EARTH central core of Jules  V-section Verne ...



Journey to the Center of the Earth 

 (French frequency language and soil .....
underground sonar  INQUIRY quiver  ......

 vibration sine waves waves INTO 

the earth ATOMIC CORE  data processing center

....... that uses Snell's Law of 

PSSC high school physics LAB experiments




 to REFLECT  BACK to the earth surface carrying 

data package to be received by the 

Joules energy  ...HUMAN bio-sensor .....

batch computer earth JOB AGENT

Jules      Verne --> letter V represents the Snells law journey    ..from the START 

(earth surface land involving French,  German, Iceland) to the center core...

back to the earth surface at orbital Italy

,,,when the sonar INQUIRY wave arrives 

at the EARTH center 


...it must stop completely and TURN ..TO REFLECT back TO THE SURFACE LAND

...it must stop completely

...it must stop completely

...it must stop completely  ,,,

at that time the INQUiRY wave collects 

partial answers, clue, hints ...... DATA SET packages  

that are sent back to the EARTH surface

 for recognition by self-educated  thinkers 

that use their SRP bio-chemistry  molecules for 

serious signal processing with 

honest thought AND ANALYSIS 

self-educated  thinkers  ..... that READ, think

....... information puzzle ..... interceptors



Theory of everything includes the
existence of Wisconsin Governor Evers- Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jan 30 2019 - We do not have a theory of everything    The basic concept of the theory of everything is that one theory could explain every aspect of biology and sports --> physical education and physics

 A theory of everything (TOE[1] or TOE/ToE), final theory, ultimate theory, unified field theory or master theory is a hypothetical, singular, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all aspects of the universe.[2]: 6  Finding a theory of everything is one of the major unsolved problems in physics.[3] String theory and M-theory have been proposed as theories of everything.[



 A theory of everything (TOE[

 A theory of everything (TOE[

 A theory of everything (TOE) ....

human legs of demo specimen 


--> Democrat governor Evers

 with LEGS TOES and SHOES  ---> 

Thought Order Entry into Soil (TOES)

(earth land as a data entry keyboard)





  Voyage au centre de la Terre), also translated with the variant titles A Journey to the Centre of the Earth and A Journey into the Interior of the Earth, is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne. It was first published in French in 1864, then reissued in 1867 in a revised and expanded edition. Professor Otto Lidenbrock is the tale's central figure, an eccentric German scientist who believes there are volcanic tubes that reach to the very center of the earth. He, his nephew Axel, and their Icelandic guide Hans rappel into Iceland's celebrated inactive volcano Snæfellsjökull, then contend with many dangers, including cave-ins, subpolar tornadoes, an underground ocean, and living prehistoric creatures from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras (the 1867 revised edition inserted additional prehistoric material in Chaps. 37–39). Eventually the three explorers are spewed back to the surface by an active volcano, Stromboli, located in southern Italy.


Central Processing Unit  of atomic iron 26 proton alphabet) 

--> the Clay Prize of the Un-consciousness of 

 math, physics. science &  geology people 

Language machine ....... nouns, verbs, math equations  ...
IBM mouth word talk ..... verBAL -->


 Basic(k) Assemblur Langauge of Language

and flowcharts of secret recipe code words and concepts

...translated by Herb Zinser




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Clues & Notes 113 .... President John Quiver Adams and the President Wood (year 1914) government MagaZINE and the Federal Bench (Douglas Fir Justice) and the muscle QUIVER vibration SECRET LANGUAGE Quilting magazine

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