Friday, January 14, 2022

Clues & Notes 006 the 25 cents ,,,,Silver quarter DATA container ..... data electron flow with Signal Freud 47 years in vienna


Clues & Notes 006  ... by Herb Zinser

the USA 25 cents metal coin ...
the atomic Silver quarter DATA container of 47 electrons 

..... as a life form
..... equivalent to a
Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND (life form)

Above, the United states coin /
a round ..atomic metal  circle ..... an
information model of a 25 cent / quarter coin .....

and its information pie / percentages of various existences
   ... per the atomic Pie director of  FermILAB .....

the ODD weird strange ONE

..... silver metal data  electron flow with
Signal Freud (frequency /wavelength) 
and his BODY/BRAIN bio-electron-sensor .....

his blood VEINS insurance 

..... living language insurance policy system of Nature

family fabricated BS system

living  47 years in Vienna Austria  ......

with human  hand/finger metabolism  

..... touch data connections to 

,,,,,   atomic metal silver  spoon and forks 

for special occasions and holidays 

15 September 1943 ... I was born 

15 September 2017 ... messenger

Parsons Green explosion

On 15 September 2017, at around 8:20am BST

a partial explosion occurred on a busy 

a partial explosion occurred on a busy 

a partial explosion occurred on a busy 

a partial  differential  equations .....

explosion occurred 

systems information explosion occurred on a
 busy bee ..  Polish-American restaurant in Chicago 

fundamental theorem of algebra | 


But until 1999, this space was a Polish diner with great historical significance to Wicker Park.  
It was popular with cops,
older Eastern Europeans on fixed budgets,
and the ruffians who once populated the neighborhood, as captured in the stories of novelist Nelson Algren.
 Presided over by a kind, elderly Polish woman, it served the kind of cheap, filling food no longer available in the neighborhood.  

fundamental theorem of algebra

from the earth ore .......  
atomic metals and their strengths .....
with their  thoughts and feelings,


Theorem of Earth equator ...

and IBM assembler language  equate 

equations proved by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1799. It states that every polynomial equation of degree n with complex number coefficients has n roots, or solutions, in the complex numbers.

London Underground train, 

London Underground train, 

London Underground train, 

London Underground data train ...
Nature's atomic  stone/rock and its data pipelines 

,... as outlined by Nikola Tesla earth vibration message
systems of the inner earth ....

inner earth languages 

atomic ground    .. soil. clay, stone 

...geological levels 
......... logic   levels 

Journey to the Center of the Earth - Wikipedia › wiki › Journey_to_the_Cente...

Professor Otto Lidenbrock is the tale's central figure, an eccentric German scientist who believes there are volcanic tubes that reach to the very center of the ...

Journey to the Centre of the Earth
 A Journey into the Interior of the Earth,
is a classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne. It was first published in French (frequency / wavelength  codes like underground sonar) in 1864, 

then reissued in 1867 in a revised and expanded Gravity THOUGHT field  edition. 

at Parsons Green tube station, in London, England. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the incident through its news outlet, Amaq.

The explosion was the result of a homemade bomb, that had been left in a bucket inside a shopping bag. It is believed parts of the device were bought online. In the aftermath wires could be seen hanging out as well as a black towel. It was reported that the device also had a timer attached and was packed with knives and screws.
Security minister, Ben Wallace, said  the bomb contained TATP, the same explosive used in the 2005 London Underground bombings and the November 2015 Paris attacks.

The improvised device sent a fireball through the carriage during the Friday morning rush hour, leaving some passengers with flash burns and others with crush injuries as a result of the rush to leave the scene.

30 people were injured, 19 of whom were taken to hospital by ambulance, to be treated for mostly burn related injuries.

Seven people were arrested following the attack and one charged.  


Clues & Notes 006  

Clues & Notes 006  

Clues & Notes 006  

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