Clues & Notes 071 by Herb Zinser
The UTE band bandwidths war of the Great Basin sin wave battle ..OceanGate submarine battle of five(5)
...Hawaii Five-O television
Clues & Notes 071 by Herb Zinser
The UTE band bandwidths war of the Great Basin sin wave battle ..OceanGate submarine battle of five(5)
...Hawaii Five-O television
Clues & Notes 070
Euler's complex math code for English words of the
Euler math-english dictionary class with
Terre Haute TECHNOLOGY executions of school students with William Strunk & E B White ...
per orders of the Federal living English language ....
DEATH SENTENCE given to student learning English language sentences approved by sen --> Senators -->
Send ten(10) school students to be
EATEN eaTEN(10 decimal battles played out in December) Eaby the living
bio-computer double-helix(DH) subroutine program named
PGM = DeatH
as tested in Wisconsin is = information systems
at the double-helix site ix = ixonia
with double e agent --> ee --> edward edwards
and his rigged information murder trial
in Jefferson Wisconsin ...
on the cover-up of the set-up .......
of his bio-computer brain programming
become a human action figure to carry out his implanted instructions to kill 2 (double)
..... double-helix DOUBLE agents ..
Tim HACK for TimBuktu Africa TIME battles &
Kelly Drew at Concord dance Hall ....
for Gene Kelly molecule song & dance movies
Tim HACK code name
Tim(e) H=Hour acknowledgement Hack molecular birth-control TIME projects for the people for the University of Wisconsin sin wave region
Clues & Notes 113 .... The President Wood (year 1914) government MagaZINE and the Federal Bench (Douglas Fir Justice) and the President...